Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 the most exiciting place in indonesia

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1. Toba lake is a volcanic lakes with a measure of length and breadth 100 miles 30 miles ( volcanic lakes the world largest ).In the lake there is a volcanic island named samosir island.Lake toba has become a tourist destinations important in north sumatra besides the lawang and nias, attracts tourists domestic and foreign.

2. Kerinci may proud of the existence of the lake mountain seven that is lake highest in southeast asia.And there are several small lake other with its natural beauty unique.Lake grouse with natural still native give a distinct touch.

3. Belitung beach , bangka belitung iland , Island beautiful , scenery unique the coast of sand white native decorated stones granite artistic and seawater sejernih crystalline , surrounded by hundreds of small islands 

4. The krakatau Is a group of volcanic islands that are still active and is in the sunda strait between java and sumatra .The name is ever to his one the top of a volcano there because eruption on the 26-27 august 1883 , then was lost .Letusannya so violent and tsunami that diakibatkannya killed around 36,000 soul .

5.Green canyon, west java
Green canyon store charm remarkable .A cross between river , the green , forest , and various stalaktit-stalakmit .Beauty berbalut silence , like a garden hidden .Green canyon begins to develop in 1989 ~

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