Thursday, May 19, 2016

10 Photos natural beauty of Indonesia

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Indonesia is famous for with to anekaragamannya started from a culture, food, history and natural beauty, wealth and miscellaneous resources owned by Indonesia to own attraction for tourists who where the beauty of Indonesian nature is starting from Sabang to Merauke thousands of islands owned by the predominantly Muslim countries around 250 million is not owned by any country.

From his many tourists who have come to visit Indonesia because of its beauty as Kuta Beach, Sanur beach, Raja Ampat Islands and land lot in Bali and Borobudur temple in Yogyakarta, and still many places and other areas which we have not yet know, the following 10 photo place will natural beauty Indonesia

1. Mount Rinjani

2. Subak, BALI

3. Mount Bromo

4. Ijen Crater, Malang


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