Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Top 5 Indonesian Food that you must try!

I am pretty sure that you’ve heard of Indonesia or maybe some of you think that Bali is somewhere near Indonesia and thought that it is a country of its own. Maybe it was all because the diversity of Indonesian culture that made us (or some of us) think that way. There are so many ways to explore Indonesia and if you have little time to actually travel to the beautiful Indonesia, you can do it by tasting our FOOD!
As you may know and realise, food speaks for itself. So here I am to present to you the top 10 (out of uncountable) Indonesian food that you definitely have to try. Of course, you have to visit the country after you try the food!
In no particular order, I proudly present to you some of the best Indonesian dishes:

1. Indonesian SATAI 

Satay is meat skewers that are cooked over coals. These juicy skewers is usually served with rice cakes (ketupat) with peanut sauce poured all over the satay. It is a national dish conceived by street vendors and has been one of most celebrated food in Indonesia. It is practically everywhere and highly addictive.

2. Sop Buntut (OXtail Soup )

The title says it all. It is a soup with Oxtail as its main hero. Although believed that oxtail soup was invented in London in the seventeenth century but this Indonesian version of oxtail soup is popular as ever. It is a healthy and hearty soup loved by many people. The oxtail is usually fried or barbecued and combined with a soup base. Very tasty and yummy.

3. Nasi Rawon 

Nasi Rawon is a dish made of beef stew from East Java. Rawon has this nutty flavour and a deep, black color from the use of keluak nut. It is rich in flavor. This dish is best enjoyed with a bowl of rice. Yummy and hearty at the same time. Find out for yourself.

4. INDOMIE (Nodle Spesial From INdonesian)
This product is so sinful that we cannot help but be seduced by it. Cost merely around 25 cents a pack and you get a quick and satisfying snack. It is none other than our very own Indonesian Instant Noodles! With so many flavours to choose from, you’ll be left with more than enough choices. I can’t think of anyone who has ever tried every single flavour that are available out there. The options are endless and too many to choose from that you’d hope they would stop inventing more flavours. Give it a taste and tell us if Indonesian Indomie is better than the others :)

5. Nasi Goreng ( Fried Rice)

I think this dish doesn’t need any further introduction. Indonesian Fried Rice and its reputation has taken the world by storm. Don’t you agree? Literally everyone has tried Fried Rice at some point in their life and it is the most versatile dish out there. You can mixed it with veggies, chicken, beef, seafood, whatever it is that you can think of. What makes Indonesian Fried Rice different is the use of sweet, thick soy sauce called keycap and garnished with acar, pickled cucumber and carrots. Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) is considered Indonesia’s national dish.

so if you want to know how the recipe to made it, dont forget follow my googlechannel, and i will give to you how to make it. :)
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

10 Photos natural beauty of Indonesia

Indonesia is famous for with to anekaragamannya started from a culture, food, history and natural beauty, wealth and miscellaneous resources owned by Indonesia to own attraction for tourists who where the beauty of Indonesian nature is starting from Sabang to Merauke thousands of islands owned by the predominantly Muslim countries around 250 million is not owned by any country.

From his many tourists who have come to visit Indonesia because of its beauty as Kuta Beach, Sanur beach, Raja Ampat Islands and land lot in Bali and Borobudur temple in Yogyakarta, and still many places and other areas which we have not yet know, the following 10 photo place will natural beauty Indonesia

1. Mount Rinjani

2. Subak, BALI

3. Mount Bromo

4. Ijen Crater, Malang


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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

the 5 beach spesial in Bali

1. The beach Nusa Dua Bali 

The beach nusa dua popular tourist domestic visited while on holiday in bali for this beach one of several shores terbersih on the island of bali.Because of cleaning always maintained make i put the beach nusa two number one in the 10 the fairest in bali.The cause of the beach nusa dua very clean, as along the beach nusa dua hotel-hotel star there are five and there always janitor to clean up the beach.On the beach nusa dua is 2 coast, namely the beach geger and coastal mengiat, both coasts of is more suitable for swimming and safe to anak-anak play, because billows small, particularly well suited to the tour with family.Besides the beach, in nusa dua bali there are also tourist attractions favored by muda-mudi, his name waterblow bali. ~

2. Jimbaran Beach

The beach jimbaran bali favored by domestic tourists because offer activity is unique, dinner a seafood fuel on the coastline jimbaran, watching the sunset.The beach jimbaran more suitable visited for tourists who are many of want dinner romatis dipinggir coast. ~

3. Kuta Beach

I am sure you know or had been on vacation on the beach kuta bali , one of several shores white sand in bali the most popular and very well known until kemancanegara .Attraction the beach kuta bali make holiday travelers particularly like to the beach kuta located at: access to the beach very close to the airport ngurah rai .White sand ramps and very broad .Facilities and supporting prasaranan tourism is widely available , such as hotels , restaurant , mall .Scenic beauty sunset . ~

4. Karma Kandara Beach

For those who feel the beach pandawa too crowded to attend and seek the beach such as the coast pandawa but not want to many visitors, then you have to choose karma kandara coast.The karma kandara neighbors to the beach pandawa, same within the tourist attractions ungasan bali, therefore beaches having a similar character.The difference the beach karma kandara to access to pay ticket is rp 250.000 / people, this makes the beach karma kandara were very quiet and privacy visitors awake.Costing ticket rp 250.000 / people, you can use of admission to buy food and minimum at one of wonderful restaurants on the beach karma kandara.If you want privacy, coastal sands clean, beauty sea as in the mediterranean sea and of course do not mind paying ticket rp 250.000 / people.So the beach karma kandara ungasan very i recommend to attend. ~

5.  Pandawa Beach

Pandawa Beach currently being popular among domestic tourists and mostly domestic tourists who vacation to tourism place south of bali , always enshrines the coast route visiting pandawa .Uniqueness and the beauty of the beach pandawa situated on: rock bluffs with five pandawa sculpture .Fine white sand and clean .Sea water calm and colored bluish .Activity suitable for swimming and playing a canoe . ~

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Raja Ampat the natural beauty of island Indonesia

      If you want to traveled, you should not hurry hurry home to another.This is because there are still natural beauty charming if you continue the journey in which one of them to eastern indonesia.The natural beauty you can find when set foot in the king ampat.Raja ampat own is part of the island west papua which recently are being get many programs excavation potential nature and resources by increase public welfare in the area.

The beach that was still a virgin 

image source : rumahtravel.co.id

It is important to note, that the Raja ampat is a region kepualauan with 610 island 35 island is uninhabited.From the statement, can be assumed that pantai-pantai in the king ampat is still very virgin and had not set by human.So, visit raja ampat benar-benar good choice to refreshing. ~

The reef

Data nautical indonesia mentioned that from 537 reefs in the world , 75 reefs in them located in the area of that having a figure island raja ampat tub the head of a bird this .In addition , various types of coral reefs the also store numerous species of peculiar there are in the raja ampat .Animals and molluska was most diverse found in the area of the sea west papua .With various completeness the , of course this place more suitable used as as a tourist destination while on holiday .

Papua Diving 

This place was the most numerous intended by travelers.Why, although the coastal and a panorama reservoir still natural, he has been equipped by various facilities such as food courts charming, lodging with complete facilities, and close to angkutan-angkutan common.To towards the shore raja ampat mizzen on the island of mansuar this, you need time about three to four hours from the city center raja ampat.

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Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 the most exiciting place in indonesia

1. Toba lake is a volcanic lakes with a measure of length and breadth 100 miles 30 miles ( volcanic lakes the world largest ).In the lake there is a volcanic island named samosir island.Lake toba has become a tourist destinations important in north sumatra besides the lawang and nias, attracts tourists domestic and foreign.

2. Kerinci may proud of the existence of the lake mountain seven that is lake highest in southeast asia.And there are several small lake other with its natural beauty unique.Lake grouse with natural still native give a distinct touch.

3. Belitung beach , bangka belitung iland , Island beautiful , scenery unique the coast of sand white native decorated stones granite artistic and seawater sejernih crystalline , surrounded by hundreds of small islands 

4. The krakatau Is a group of volcanic islands that are still active and is in the sunda strait between java and sumatra .The name is ever to his one the top of a volcano there because eruption on the 26-27 august 1883 , then was lost .Letusannya so violent and tsunami that diakibatkannya killed around 36,000 soul .

5.Green canyon, west java
Green canyon store charm remarkable .A cross between river , the green , forest , and various stalaktit-stalakmit .Beauty berbalut silence , like a garden hidden .Green canyon begins to develop in 1989 ~

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Indonesian Food
